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Writer's pictureGiant Fanboy.

10 Tasty climbs to test your resolve.

Below is a list of 10 local climbs. None of them are beyond the ability of 99% of all club riders. They are not exclusively all of the climbs in the area, just the ones we regularly cross.

So here we go, see which ones you can tick off your list.

In reverse order.

10 Castle Hill.

Located between Stonall and Walsall Wood, this short little lung buster will have you swearing to never ride your bike over it again. The very local little beauty has an average of over 6% gradient and goes on for 1/3 of a mile.You're welcome. Difficulty 💀💀💀

9 Meerash hill.

This little gem is not tough because of its steepness, but due to its length.

Half a mile at 3% is always going to have the thighs feeling a little warmer than when you set out. Gradual start with a couple of kickers.

Situated between Brownhills and Hammerwich, it's easy to miss this one. Difficulty 💀💀💀

8 Lazy Hill.

Nothing at all lazy about a ride taking this little beauty in. Situated between Stonall and Aldridge this climb will have you fishing for the small ring up front at its toughest. 5% average for half a mile along a twisting country lane. Lazy Hill Kicks up a bit towards the end when you're in the Red already. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀

7 Dollymakers, either way.

This short and bitter little lump is located slightly further out than the first 3 candidates.

located North East of Gentleshaw this hole in the ground will test you either way. Dollymakers comes after a rapid descent, with an almost 90% bend at the bottom where you suddenly hit Dollymakers climb. Many turn and find they are in the wrong gear and the game is over. The reverse route up Malthouse road is a torture to the unsuspecting club member. Usually close to the end of ones ride, this comes as a total kick in the ......groin. Difficulty Dollymakers 💀💀💀, Malthouse 💀💀💀💀

6 Bradbury Lane.

Bradury lane is one of those climbs that gets into you head easily. It's as straight as an arrow, so you can always see the pain coming. Situated North of Hednesford, on the Rugely road, heading North West towards Pie Green tower. The whole hill is over 1 mile long which accounts for it's inclusion in the list. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀

5 Marchington Cliff.

Now we are getting into a seriously difficult climb for the unsuspecting cyclist. Marchington Cliff will have the veins in your neck bursting through the skin. It's long and it's progressively vicious. The last 50 meters can destroy your willpower just before the glory of the summit.

Its average gradient is 5% with it maxing out at about 12%. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀💀

4 Woodroffe's Cliff.

Not quite as steep an average as Marchington, but slightly longer at 0.81 miles.

This is usually taken after returning from Uttoxeter and often finds slightly fatigued legs. It's a very quiet road usually, leaving you to concentrate on telling your legs to "shut up!" Located South West of Marchington. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀

3. Coalpit lane Rugely

The much maligned and misunderstood Coalpit lane climb is not for the weak kneed folk of this world. The climb summits at the same place as it's sister climb Stile Cop (part of the tour of Britain). The difficulty in this climb is that it starts off gently squeezing the sweat from you, then just when you think it's done it wrings the sweat out of you like a towel through a mangle. It is our first Cat 4 climb in the list. Look how the gradient lets up then kicks again. Sittuated off the Main road Brereton South East of Rugely. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀💀

2 Stile Cop.

About as pure a climb as we have in the area. It never stops taking from you, there is just no respite. Just before the hapless road cyclist reaches the summit, they must pass a (popular with MTB'ers) car park. To add insult to the lung bursting pain, they must suffer the shouts of "road bike wanker" from said MTBers. This is a Cat 4 climb and has been used in the tour of Britain. See how the profile shows a smooth and gradual ascent. Situated off the Hendsford road Half mile South of Rugely. The summit is near Marquis drive. Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀.

1 Buttermilk.

We are back to Marchington for this short beast of a climb. Situated off Thorney lanes at Buttermilk, Marchington. It's not long, but it is most definitely steep! The climb that you wake up in the night with a cold sweat after you dreamt you were at its foot. It really hurts to go up it at any kind of speed. Many will dismount before 20 meters are done. You can easily find your front wheel lifting off the floor, such is the angle you are going up. Strava reports it as having a section which is 23%! The road condition is not great either, scrapes in the tarmac and leaf mould are always a threat to your stability.

This truely is a beast of a climb. One does not willingly do this climb too often in a season.

Difficulty 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀.

Thanks for reading, and don't be offended if your favourite climb is missing.

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